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How coaching with me works

This isn’t about a quick fix, it’s about finding a plan that helps you get fit and healthy for life...

Understanding (Initial consultation)

The first step when we chat is to arrange a consultation call. This helps me to understand what you want and need, the hurdles you face and the reasons for you looking for guidance and support. I am then better able to assess if I am able to help you, and what service and package is the right one. If we are a good fit we move to a full health MOT session. This is about unpicking the patterns in your life that are challenging your health.


Targeted prescription (I create the plan)

Now that we understand the red flag areas of your health and fitness, we address them by disrupting the patterns that hold you back and embedding new habits and behaviours to build better long term health. This works best when we address one area at a time and then stack carefully on top of that strong foundation. For example, we may address eating patterns then move to recovery and sleep (as they feed into each other in many ways).


Integration and consistency (sessions with me)

Now this is about doing the work and ticking off the boxes. I provide a clear plan and habit tracker for you to help you to be consistent. Every time you are able to tick the box you move one step closer to the type of body and health that you desire. However, life tends to get in the way and also old behaviour patterns tend to resurface. This is where support, advice and accountability are essential to help you to plan, overcome and refocus. Change is hard, having someone there to guide you through the hard times and challenges is often the difference between quitting and getting up and moving forwards.



Results (you reach your goal and stay there)

At this point, you have overcome the negative patterns of behaviours and you have be intelligently guided to form healthier habits and now you do the good stuff without even thinking about it. You look good and feel good every day. Ultimately this is my goal with every single person I help;  to create change that lasts.

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